I know: this blog is not about politics. However, living in Israel it is impossible not to write something about the elections. Are they different from anywhere else? No. Whoever wins - Livni in this case - has still not really won until they succeed in forming a stable coalition. So now starts the time for deals, agreements, concessions. Just like in many western countries with democratic governments. The stakes here are high: no one wants war, every one wants safety. However, the road to these goals varies from party to party, from leader to leader. So let's all wait and hope....

I have worked today all day outside in a new much quieter cafe in the sun. Now I am getting ready for a second day at the gym. This time I will try the fitball class.... never done that before but sounds good. Stephane will go swimming.

Our newly found cafe around the corner where we can quietly work... WIFI and plugs outside... no complaints!

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