Thank you to all of you who sent me your first comments. First of all my parents. Amazing that they are so involved and so handy with the latest technology! My father is a fanatic internet user and my mother is really handy with her mobile phone. It is great because it keeps them connected. Connected to the world, to their loved ones, to life. So this page today is for you two. To tell you that I am still so very happy here! So happy to have finally made that decision and to have followed my heart. It actually becomes more and more difficult to leave every other Sunday. I have been doing this for the past 4 months and now that I know that this period is almost coming to an end, it's becoming hard. However, I will certainly not complain. I have been so fortunate to be able to have this smooth transition and especially to be able to see Gerald and Charlotte every other week. This was more than I ever saw them when I was living in the Netherlands. Quality time isn't it!  I will certainly use as much of it as I can for the coming month and a half. As for the events of today, nothing spectacular here in Tel Aviv. Beautiful weather and for me another working day that ended ... on the beach... with my laptop! Yes, even on the beach there is WIFII really enjoy working there.Watching the news tonight, however, made me sad again. I believe that my parents also worry. Worry about me, about their grandson Raphael who attends a Jewish school in Brussels, about our family in Beer Sheva. About the world. Don't worry, please. Everything will be fine. Keep surfing the web and sending SMS's. Let's stay connected!

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