She is 84, lives on her own in a first floor appartment in the center of Tel Aviv, cleans her house herzelf, goes to souk hacarmel for food shopping, meets three times a week with her girlfriends in town for coffee, loves to talk politics and cooks the most delicious pastries, my aunt Rosi. Sometimes very stubborn. A bit old fashion. A heart of gold. Lately she has not felt so good. Bit of pain here, bit of pain there... actually not really her style. She hardly ever complaints! She avoids doctors and creates her own medecine and therapies. I wish sometimes she would go and do some check-up. However, why force her into doing something she does not want? Convinced that a simple check-up might actually make her sick, she cancels her appointments every time with another excuse. At the beginning I was a bit angry and worried. Now I laugh and joke about it. And so does she. Today she came for lunch. She had expected us to go out to some place but we surprised her with home made cooking. First she felt embarrassed. Always afraid to be in the way. But then after a while she relaxed and really enjoyed the food and our company. We ate, talked, laughed and at 4pm Stephane and I  took her to the bus station. She wanted to walk home - it's a 30 minutes walk - but we convinced her not to. Believe me... it was not easy!

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