Today we had the honour to be invited at a general rehearsal of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra! Arele, Michele's cousin, plays the viola in the Philharmonic and thought Stephane and I might enjoy attending the rehearsal this morning. He was right! At the program today: music and contemporary dance. Conductor: Yoel Levi. 

Glinka: Ruslan and Ludmilla Overture,

Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto no. 2 performed by Anna Vinnitskaya

Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring, music performed by the orchestra and danced by the Klipa Dance Theatre. 

Stephane and I both enjoyed the concert very much. Stephane who is not used to going to dance performances had a bit of a hard time with the dancing. I simply loved it!  It made me think at all the great dance performances I saw with my daughter Charlotte. I cannot wait for her to come to Tel Aviv so that we can go together to some dance performances here, at the Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance for example. As for the music, I hope Arele will invite us again...... 


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