I have been postponing this for too long! Every Friday I wake up wanting to do tons of things! Friday is a great day for shopping, going to the beach (not too crowded), meet friends for brunch, and going to see exhibitions. However, what normally takes only a few minutes can take up to an hour in Tel Aviv. Even though the city seems to be running, time goes here faster than the people... Conclusion: the last Fridays I have not reached the musea! Let's give the excuses: last Friday I was cleaning, cooking preparing Stephane's party. The one before... .don't remember but sure to have had a good excuse. Today, finally, I succeeded in doing practically every thing I had planned (except for striking my clothes). Went shopping (food), came back, put everything in the fridge, ate some cold watermelon and left immediately direction Museum of Tel Aviv. What a great place. I saw many things and what impressed me the most was the exhibition "VALLEY
ON THE ROAD TO KFAR YEHOSHUA",  PAINTINGS BY ELIE SHAMIR. Elie Shamir is absolutely stunning! I even bought the catalogue of the exhibit. I cannot keep my eyes away from his paintings, particularly from his portraits. Obviously I also went to other parts of the museum and saw some of the Museum's own collections: Picasso, Van Gogh, Miro, Giacometti. I left the Museum inspired and wanting more.... Next week I will visit the Rubin Museum. My friend Rachel wrote a really nice article about this museum on her blog kefisrael.com (it is in French). Since I did not have my camera with me, no pictures! However, follow the links: they are full of georgous pictures! 

Friday August 21, 2009: Stephane's 50th birthday party
My daughter Charlotte has been here and I have not written nor published any news about it on my blog. We have had the official opening of our gallery and nothing on my blog. My son Gerald's friend Jurien and his girlfriend Malou were here and again... no time to write or publish anything! Last friday we had Stephane's 50th birthday party at home... and guess what: nothing on backtotheroots! however, it is not that I have not been writing, on the contrary that's almost all I have been doing except for going to the studio for sculpture... Keeping the shenart website up to date, writing on our facebook page, preparing our opening event, following up on leads, preparing and sending our first newsletter, selling at the gallery, answering mails.... I have been very busy and yet I miss writing on my blog. So here I am... back! And I will place pictures of the opening evening at ShenArt, of Stephane's birthday party, of Jurien and his girlfriend in Tel Aviv.. I only have no pictures (yet) to place about Chalrotte's visit in july. She took them all with her camera and has not sent them to me yet. Next time hopefully! Enjoy!