I have been postponing this for too long! Every Friday I wake up wanting to do tons of things! Friday is a great day for shopping, going to the beach (not too crowded), meet friends for brunch, and going to see exhibitions. However, what normally takes only a few minutes can take up to an hour in Tel Aviv. Even though the city seems to be running, time goes here faster than the people... Conclusion: the last Fridays I have not reached the musea! Let's give the excuses: last Friday I was cleaning, cooking preparing Stephane's party. The one before... .don't remember but sure to have had a good excuse. Today, finally, I succeeded in doing practically every thing I had planned (except for striking my clothes). Went shopping (food), came back, put everything in the fridge, ate some cold watermelon and left immediately direction Museum of Tel Aviv. What a great place. I saw many things and what impressed me the most was the exhibition "VALLEY
ON THE ROAD TO KFAR YEHOSHUA",  PAINTINGS BY ELIE SHAMIR. Elie Shamir is absolutely stunning! I even bought the catalogue of the exhibit. I cannot keep my eyes away from his paintings, particularly from his portraits. Obviously I also went to other parts of the museum and saw some of the Museum's own collections: Picasso, Van Gogh, Miro, Giacometti. I left the Museum inspired and wanting more.... Next week I will visit the Rubin Museum. My friend Rachel wrote a really nice article about this museum on her blog kefisrael.com (it is in French). Since I did not have my camera with me, no pictures! However, follow the links: they are full of georgous pictures! 

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